All Purpose Beef Rub
It's starting to feel a lot like Spring! Time to get out those BBQ's and start enjoying the warmer days and evenings! Here is our Favorite Seasoning for steaks, burgers, roasts... you name it, if its meat, it should go quite nicely with this BBQ Rub.
All Purpose Beef Rub
- ½ c. Brown Sugar
- ¼ c. Himalayan Salt
- 2 Tblsp. Coarse Black Pepper
- 2 Tblsp. Paprika
- 1 Tblsp. Onion Powder
- 1 Tblsp. Garlic Powder
- ½ tsp. Powdered Oregano
- 1 tsp. Dry Mustard
- ½ tsp. Ground Cumin
Combine in airtight jar, shake to mix. Enjoy liberally on steaks, roasts, or other beef.